
New Friends all around

When you have out an outgoing personality, you tend to attract all kinds of interesting people.

This is Alexander who I brought back to our rooms at 2am, to awake Tony from his 7pm rum-slumber.

This handsome pair with the "Caribbean Hair" is that of Anita (Jet Pilot) and Phil (Engineer, ex-Navy)...all the NICE girls luv a sailor!!

And we kept on bumping in to them....

At the beach..

At Oistins fish-fry-on-a Friday

....where Bruno gets in on the act... as bears (think they) know all about fish.

So we all went out to the Gold Cup Day at Garrison Savannah... and what a great day we had : I had three winners but Anita picked the Gold Cup winner :

And you can tell that she was quite pleased, as she was drinking with her prehensile feet afterwards :

But we had a few celebratory glasses of wine at the "Caribb" bar....and Tony sports his newly acquired black eye (accidentally received whilst slipping on the way to bed the previous night!)

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