
August 12th -13th Preseids

As there will be a new moon soon, the Perseid Meteor shower will be particularly bright this year......the next 'good' year will be 2015.
The Earth has been passing through the remnants of the Swift-Tuttle comet since August 1st.

From Gozo, and after 9pm on the 12th or 13th August, just look to the North :
Perseus is in between the big "W" of Cassiopeia and "the seven-sister cluster" of the Pleiades (see attached star chart for 13th August). And the meteor shower will emanate from just above Perseus.

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Perseid meteors set to dazzle

One of the year's most impressive meteor showers is firing up as the Earth swings through a trail of debris left by a comet.

The Perseids will peak on the night of 12 August, streaking through the dark skies of a New Moon. At its peak, the shower is expected to produce one or two meteors per minute, according to Bill Cooke of NASA's Meteoroid Environment Office in Huntsville, Alabama, US. Watch a video of a Perseid meteor on

The Perseids, which appear to be shooting out of the constellation Perseus, are primarily a northern hemisphere show, although a few meteors may be seen just south of the equator.
The meteors are cast-offs from Comet Swift-Tuttle, which orbits the Sun every 135 years and last swept through the inner solar system in 1992. Comets are made up of ice and dust, and as they approach the Sun, the ice begins to evaporate, releasing dust that streams in a tail behind the comet.
Earth's orbit takes it through the tail of the comet every summer in the northern hemisphere, bombarding the planet with meteors. Most are no bigger than a grain of sand, but they burn spectacularly as they shoot through our atmosphere at 60 kilometres per second.Dazzling earthgrazers

The Earth is now on its way through comet Swift-Tuttle's tail, so Perseid meteors are already visible in the night sky. The shower will be at its best, however, on 12 August.
The spectacle begins as Perseus rises in the northeastern sky around 2100 (9 PM) in every time zone. That is the best time to look for dazzling "earthgrazers": meteors that emerge from the horizon and glide overhead. Observers will be lucky to spot a few of these in an hour, Cooke says, but "they are among the most beautiful of meteors".
The Perseids will reach their peak in the pre-dawn hours of 13 August, with the added allure of Mars floating just below Perseus. By then, Cooke says, "dozens of Perseids may be flitting across the sky every hour".Comet connection
The Perseids are the subjects of some of mankind's earliest records of meteors, made by Chinese astronomers a millennium ago.
In the Middle Ages, the Perseids were known in England as the "tears of St. Lawrence" after the third-century archdeacon of Rome. Meteors streaked through the sky on 10 August 258, the day of his execution by order of the emperor Valerian, and reappeared every year around St. Lawrence's feast day.
In the 1860s, Italian astronomer Giovanni Virginio Schiaparelli, famous for naming lines on Mars "canali", figured out that the path of the Perseids followed that of comet Swift-Tuttle, making him the first to connect meteors with comets.

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