
September's Party Planning Time

Look who I found in Manchester airport on the way back from work. Sue and daughter Jodie with grandson Dylan.

We all got together, and I flew up front.

Then we took my Mercedes to Gozo and had drinks at my place for three more hours before they went to unpack.

Then Tony came to the island.

Here at Cafe Jubilee :

We cruised around a bit and had a few meals and drinks; here at Maji's.

After a few drives around to high class joints, we ended up at Ta Cenc ( a posh hotel that was an Italian palace, owned by the mob).

So , over a few more drinks : we decided to have a party to get rid of 50 good bottles of wine that were getting a bit aged in my study.

We decided to base the solids on hams, bread and cheeses and invite a few fishermen/ doctor friends.

But when we started handing out invites for the "do" on a a spare Sunday at the end of September, the wrong sort of animals started gathering, as always.
Just because Jean's not around.

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